
Feb 26, 1999
Patrick McIrish has been sending me threatening emails and threatening to 'expose me' on my forum and other forums.

Patrick is pissed because when Dave called me saying Patrick ran up a big figure, I gave him McIrish's phone number. So now,, he's going to 'GET EVEN WITH ME'. You'll SHOW ME MCIRISH, WON'T YOU.

I don't have the time or energy to respond to this LONGWINDED LOSER, so here are some of his BULLSHIT emails for you to read for entertainment value. ENJOY.



Subject: Re: ?
Date: 3/11/2004 10:21:20 AM Eastern Standard Reply To:

I don't want your money Ken, don't need it. Just want my own revenge now you being such a two face asshole. Not all of it will be bad, some will be good. ALL OF IT THOUGH WILL BE THE TRUTH.

Part I - Ken and money

Part II - Ken and the girl

Part III - Ken and substance abuse

Part III - Ken and the RX/Rio manipulation

The funny part is you just take your lumps and move on like I did. I KNEW when Dave ran to you within a couple of days for my hatchet job I would eventually hear the rest of the story about your role in this. Have a good one, no need to respond to this. I will tell your wife if she needs a material witness I will be available to help her testify against the little tramp of yours. Already written the letter to her with my name and how to contact me.

Gather ALL your friends up, LETS PLAY BALL. See you in Vegas.....

EMAIL NUMBER 2 (Incidentally, Marty Jensen doesn't own operate or conrtol Rio in any way, though McIrish says he does)...

Subject: My dealings with Shrink/Dave......
Date: 3/18/2004 2:20:46 PM Eastern Standard
Reply To:

******PLEASE NOTE ANYTHING YOU DISAGREE WITH AND I WILL MAKE NOTE OF IT WHEN I POST IT. Or if you want to wait then you can address it in the forums. You guys won but lets let it all hang out now Ken. I will at least alert people to what sort of man you are who uses people like you and Dave did me*******

Let me start by saying I sent a copy of this to Ken beforehand for any corrections he may have had. If he had any they are noted below. The reason you don't see many is because this is the GOD's truth and even Shrink can't run from it. If someone is asking themselves he is posting this to get back at these guys, they would be absolutely right. I wish I was the better man but I am not. I can't sit here and let these guys bring every bad thing they can spin about me publicly whiile just sitting here and taking it. The person responsible is paying the people who wanted their money, end of story.

PART I - Working with Shrink....

Out of the blue one Friday afternoon Shrink called and asked me to run his forums, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I had been VERY critical of Ken and the RX, it made no sense for him to offer me the main job. I told him no at first but he kept on. Finally he said just think about it, let's talk again Satruday before you say no.

Ken was very worried about MajorWager he said. Since Peep had started things were slow, MW had not overtaken the RX but according to Ken they were "closing the gap". Later on I heard the real story but that is what Ken said. After a more than generous offer and a night of discussing it with my wife I decided to give it a shot. I had heard all those stories of employees leaving that Ken owed so I only had two demands.

- One is either side can leave at any time. No contracts or guarantees. If you don't like what I am doing or I don't like this job than either of us can walk away.

- Number two was that you paid me for 30 days and in advance. If you want me another 30 days then you pay me and I will stick around another month. I didn't know the facts but I did read where so many others had gotten stiffed from him I was trying to protect myself.

Since I am on this subject let me start with Ken and his ways with money. Right off the bat I could see there was going to be trouble. I make notes of everything that goes on, nothing major but I have a planner and note things that stand out to me. With Ken this turned out to be a life saver for me. Almost immediately Ken started out that his wife had commented he was paying me too much. This is an old trick and one Ken has mastered, he is weak and the last person he speaks to is the one who gets the yes. The no's before him usually get the most convenient lie he can come up with, it's hard for him to keep track as I soon realized. Ken went on that he had started me at what Peep had made and that "his wife" felt I should have worked my way up.

A week later Ken commented that his partner was on his ass about what he paid me. I didn't make an issue but I pinned him down and said, your wife is your partner? No no he said, his partner was someone very secretative an he could not say who it was. His wife did not get involved in the dealings of the RX he told me as I was looking right at his comment the week before. Back then it was his wife complaining, now it was his partner. At that point I should have realized how this guy was going to be....

Sure enough payday came on the 22nd since that is when I started 30 days earlier. The 22nd came and went, the 23rd came and went, the 24th came and went etc.... Being it was the first month I wrote Ken a note finally. Was not mean at all. I said if I you want to go in a new direction (as we had agreed on) I completely understand, if not you should have paid 3 days ago!? And let me insert here this is VERY common for him and his employees, at least it was before Marty took over. Payday is not the day for his folks to get their money, it's merely a suggestion for this guy. When he wants to pay you is when you get it. His favorite trick is taking "trips" that last 7-10 days, of course he always starts them one day before payday. There is not even his most loyal employee who can deny this. Anyway in my note I also said if things are tight or something I can understand that too Ken, just let me know though what the deal is. Finally when we talked Ken went to his "hurt" routine. This is very common, he plays the victim role very well. If you ask him something he will often give you the heartwrenching "I am hurt you can even ask me that!" After a little experience you start to realize anytime he lays the pity me routine he is lying about something. Finally he asked me if it was okay if he paid me on the 1st, everyone else gets paid then he said. Believing that I was going to logically get a month and a weeks pay I agreed. I still want to get paid up front Ken but you can wait and pay me then I told him. When the 3rd of the month came (he was still late) I notice he only pays me for 30 days, again even brand new I push the issue knowing what I have heard on his reputation about pay. His response almost made me laugh out loud, "well I felt we could just forget about that week because of everything else". Everything else was us discussing gambling he said, LOL. Why he wanted to not pay me that week and why I went on I will never know.

Ken and his thoughts on pay were getting very clear to me. All this time he was still moaning about how his partner/wife was bitching at him because he had overpaid me. Apparently he would forget what he said on who was complaining but it was never him. Ken is always on your side when talking to you, it's the others who are out to get you. His wife, his partner etc.... I don't know the exact time frame but the 2nd screwing was coming up next. Late one night Ken called and said we had a big disaster on our hands!!! One of our mods had been laid off from his real job, we either had to come up with more money or we were going to lose this mod. Doesn't matter the name of the mod but he was a good one and I did want to keep him. Of course Ken continues on about this, "my partner feels that since I overpaid you we have to let this guy go. We just don't have the money in payroll to pay him". I finally realizied why he had been crying about my pay all this time, he wanted me to give the guy his raise out of my pay. This was when I was close to leaving then, I didn't want to lose the mod over my pay plus I did feel the forum would be better off with him. Finally I said I know what you are getting at, even though we had a deal you want me to accept less money right? Tell you what Ken, I will contribute $750 a month so we can keep him, you throw in the other $750 okay? Of course he agreed happily. My only condition was we did not tell the moderator, even though I was paying for part of it I did not want him to know Ken thought so poorly of him he would not give him the raise out of his own pocket. Already in no time he had gyped me out of a weeks pay and $750 a month! I never got the $750 any of the months I worked there either, strangely enough his wife/partner stopped beating up poor Ken over my pay. Though I saw through this and did agree to it rather rather than lose the employee, that is indicative of how this guy operates. He wasn't done yet either......

At this point some would ask why go on if you knew how he was about money? I did because I had grown to like the guy, I really did. He was like a bumbling idiot type who you couldn't help but almost feel sorry for. A rich kid who uses the forums as mostly a game to have fun with. We spent a lot of time betting, a lot of times back and forth too. I had come up with an idea that he and I compete in a baseball contest in the forums, to make it good we would play for 5k. He loved the idea. He even talked of us doing it for football season and adding some of the books who liked to gamble and guys like Krackman. This one though was heads up, he against me. When he started off very poorly he mentioned to me on the phone innocently "this was not for real money right, just for show?" Again I could not believe it. He said he thought since we were doing it in the forums let's not make it for money, just the loser would take the 4 of us out to dinner when we went to Vegas. Being as I had a big lead I did not like it but went along with it, for one thing I hadn't won yet anyway. Though he came very close to beating me I did win and yet I never recieved a penny from this guy. Not only did I not get the 5k I never got the dinner either, LOL. And later I will post how I spent my last night in Vegas, it sure wasn't anything as fun as eating dinner or gambling.

This is how Ken is with money ALL THE TIME!! When he owes you it's not a big deal but he can not stop crying with his "I'm the victim role" when he is owed. Scotty from PanAm was a perfect example. This is one of Shrink's close buddies, they do things together and even his prized techie is a partner of Scotty's in another business. However none of that stops Ken crying religioulsy about the 14k or so that Scotty has owed him. According to Ken he has owed him a long time, believe me the whole time I worked there he did as I heard about it over and over. To Scotty's face of course butter doesn't melt in his mouth. Ken is the type who wil smear your ass in the ground when you aren't around but is your best buddy later on. I have to admit he was too smart for me. Anyway almost all of off-shore laughed recently when Scotty vouched for a poster whom is a longterm stiff. According to Ken, Scotty owes a lot of people off-shore besdies himself, not to mention locals in the South Carolina area. With his involvement with PanAm of course none of this was made known. Why not? Because Scotty directed the advertising dollars to the RX, even if PanAm goes down neither of these two gentlemen did badly for themselves. Say hi to Megan for me Scotty.....

Back to pay before I forget all of the **** jobs, here's more from Ken. Somewhere along the line after getting stiffed out of the baseball contest came along another one. This one from Sportbet. Ken had gotten in and actually beaten his first round opponent but was down for the count in the next round. He was way down and he had snuck off to Biloxi to meet his little piece of ass so asked me to sign on using his name and put his picks in for him. I asked him if that was fair and he saw no problem with it. When I asked for his picks he said "no you put them in and we will go 50/50. I think I am out of it anyway but worth a shot." Of course not only do I have a big day his opponent has a bad one. Bottom line is Ken ends up winning 2k, guess what I got? Absolutely nothing. Because of the past I was going to accept this money but I never got a penny. When I had left the RX and asked about this he said wasn't it only 1k that I won? You are upset about 1/2 of 1k? Like everything else here he knew what I had said was the exact truth. You owe Ken it's a major thing, when we bet and I lost he took it out immediately for next month. As you can see collecting was impossible. He may not have the balls to ask you for money but he is surely telling everyone else. I can list others here who he claims owes him but I don't want to do that shit, Scotty and his partner Megan have been on my ass about this is the only reason I commented on him. The other one with a big mouth towards me was Uncle Butternutts! My GOD did this guy con Ken out of some bucks, at least to hear Ken speak of it. Krackman posted about this in the RX Rubber Room once, I guess he is also on Ken's whine list as I heard the exact same story. Ken would tell us Uncle would not only ask for his pay early, but two months in advance sometimes. At the Vegas trip which everyone was paying for their rooms, gambling and airfare, Unlce hit him up for every portion of this. Ken was incensed but could not say no he said because Uncle was a "huge supporter" of mine of the forums. Trust me that makes all the difference to Ken. Problems with a book, a pler getting stiffed or anything like that was never a big deal to him. However if MW or Peep said something about him that was HUGE to him. I shouldn't laugh at that but Ken has very low self esteem, I think he enjoyed me there because I liked to mix it up on the forums and be the bad guy. Me there took a lot of the attention Ken would normally have. Anyway about Uncle, after Ken paid for his room and was paying for his airfare, Ken also gave Uncle $1000 to gamble with. I could write paragraphs about Uncle in Vegas now, LOL. He ended up hounding all of us for money. Ken said he tried to get in the club at the Bellagio but had the wrong shoes on, Uncle goes and buys a $400 pair of shoes at those little stores in the casino so he can get in. This $400 of course came from the $1000 Ken gave him. He gets so fuc ked up it was unreal. In the club he is trying to borrow more money and even asking some of the books who advertised at the RX for cash. LOL. After he picked up two prostitues to take home to the hotel he again runs out of money. He calls Angelle and Ken's cell phones 50 times screaming and cursing for more money. I know because they played the messages for me and countless others I would guess. When he gets ignored he gets pissed off and sends the hookers down to the casino to try and bum money of everyone who is down there gambling!! LOL! It was just too much. Uncle got so mad he couldn't borrow more money from Ken he departed the next morning and left the Bellagio shoes at the hotel desk. "Take that $400 off my bill Ken when you go fetch the shoes Ken". Last Ken told me Uncle had never paid a dime of the money back either. After this went on and we got back is when Angelle finally told Ken to run off Uncle, she did not like anyone getting near her own ATM machine and Uncle was getting more and more money from Ken.

I don't want to get off the pay topic and bleed into other topics so let me end the last ****ing I got on pay. To date Ken had taken a week's pay away, he had begged for another $750 a month off what we agreed upon, he had stiffed me in a heads up baseball contest and then yet another one that Sportbet had run. It was getting late in the year now and this is when Rio was starting to enter the picture. Ken did not want to make any waves he said, at this point I was burned out from all of it and looking to step back. Shrink kept talking about his annual Xmas bonuses, how he ALWAYS gave his employees two month's pay. I'm never one to walk away from money even though I was quitting so I asked him why he kept bringing that up? He told me if you worked until Xmas you would get it because even if Rio buys the RX that did that does not erase all the hard work I had done through the year from him. I guess I am an idiot but again I fell for it as it made sense to me. The main reason I did was because Ken said they were paying him 2.5 million for the RX. To myself I guess I never dreamed a guy getting that sort of money would not pay me a Xmas bonus. Geez!? Sure enough that is what happened, once Rio bought them he said he was now not responsible and no one would get one....

The final thing to me was my first talk with Marty from Rio. I have no beefs with Rio, as many people know I defended them vehemently in the forums when others attacked them. The talk I had with the first guy from Rio was fine and he seemed to know what he was talking about, I was almost curious what plans these guys had. Later I got word that Marty wanted to talk to me. Ken told me that while he was fighting for me the new investors wanted to cut my pay. Of course it wasn't Ken, it never is. LOL. Anyway sure enough Marty calls and he wants to take $1250 off my pay. He did say I could sell banners to make up for it but the next sentence sort of let me know what sort of guy this was and where I stood. I said something like oh okay, might be worth a try. When does this start? His answer was it started last week. I had been looking to get out for a long time and it was time, not only was Ken upset about me being mean to Angelle I was beyond fed up. Besides this I think it's crap to cut someone's pay and not tell them until after it is done. When he said we were already under the new pay scale that was all I needed to hear, just one more in a long list of dealing with Ken

This will complete part one about pay, please no complaining as no one is making you read it. This is the groundwork though for the sort of guy Ken is and how he operates. The next part will be more about his girlfriend Angelle and his other friends. This guy is a user folks, believe me they all are and all of them are two-faced. It was almost comical to see two people as niave as Ken and Angelle. She was f ucking him for the money, I guess some of what he cheated us out of so he could treat her like a princess. She loves that sort of stuff. For Ken it was obviously a piece of ass, he's nearing 50 and though she was nothing special there is no such things as an ugly 22 year old at that age, LOL. And like he did with me he piled it pretty high for her too. All the while telling her he was going to leave (we all know the married man story) he was out shopping for 8 carat rings for his wife. Absolutely stunning ring from the way he described it, he begged me not to mention it to Angelle. As much as she and her friends turned on me I still cold not stop myself from feeling sorry for her. How can anyone be so dumb!? Anyway I will take up where I left off with Part II and any corrections that need to be made, I will give Ken a chance to respond both before I post this and obviously he can respond afterwards.

PS - I am sure some Ken will cry about him being the victim and ask why talk about his mistress? That's a low blow! After long thought and a lot of personal reasons I can't share without revealing a source, it boils down to he has never tried to hide it anyway. He carries her all over the world and they talked openly in the forums of it. No one off-shore is unaware of it. In addition their phone bills and other stuff makes it obvious for his wife to know, apparently she don't care so neither do I. If you are going to be offended by this stuff than don't read the next part when it comes out. I can't do anything against what Dave and Ken are doing to me other than fight back out here in the forums like they have exposed me to. Even though Ken and Dave feel like they have won (and they probably did) we will all spill some beans out here before it's over.....

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
This is the same McIrish that bumped my thread 3 times when I owed 200 bucks, when I was banned at Majorwager and was having difficulty reaching a guy that I was trying to pay.

Jan 20, 2002
At first I was willing to give PM the benefit of the doubt,well **** that.Bringing a third party into this,namely someone I like and respect sucks.Whatever Shrink's relationship with this person is noone's biz.And certainly has no bearing on PM paying Dave.Pm I have lost all the respect I had for you and I did respect you a great deal,and thought you would eventually do the right thing here.I guess it was very bad judgement on my part.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WOW!! I think we all seen this one coming. The man of honor turned stiff. funny how this was the same guy who condemed another poster for threats.
Nuff said

New member
Sep 21, 2004

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SportSavant:
Shrink...why cant some of us start new topics?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Great point, but overall, i think there are a lot of intelligent people here who start interesting, relevant topics every day.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
No what I mean is the RX is broken & wont let me start a new Topic, I am trying to post my NHL play, I could care less about this soap are complaining about it in the NHL forum...

Sep 21, 2004
lol ,got bored reading it after a couple sentences. like sand thru the hour glass, these are the days of your life

New member
Sep 20, 2004
joel2002, i have to agree, a little too drawn out for my liking. I have a hard enough time reading posts with more than 5 sentences.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
How do we know these things were written by McIrish? LOL, look how long they are, who else wouldve written them?

Dell Dude, the sex parts are down near the bottom...
Sep 21, 2004
Any comment on this post from below Shrink? By the way you wife knows about Angelle sir, good move to garner some sympathy by blaming someone else though. You even posted it you were so anxious to get some pity...

There was 5 parts of it but none were posted Ken, all I wanted was the truth. You tried to pay me some money and I said no thanks Ken, just the truth will do. Saying that would you care to comment on this out here then? Is it true Dave has his money already from you all this time?

i cant say who i am but the pat/shrink is an old fashioned pissing contest. the hatred began over a personal matter and has spread to where it is now. pretty sure this is right.

pat did have offshore accoutns but they weere with a close frend of his who got him in on his accounts. later when pat worked here ken vouched for pat to play with dave as he didnt know anyone offshore at the time. vouch means that if the guy you vouch for doesnt pay his maker you do. i wouild guess ken was getting bvack 25% of what pat lost. ken has a lot of sheets and a lot of deals, leave it at that for now. when this thing happened ken was forced to have paid the money to dave, i would be very suprised if that isnt right. dave probably already has his money or will get it from ken, he is just ehlping his buddy now go after pat. you just dont post on the forunms and be able to run up 50 dime tabs in a week for the hell; of it. someopne vouched for pat and i would bet it was ken, that is why he is pissed

it also makes sense with the rest of th story. one thing pat was roght about was as an agent there is no upside to coming to make this stuff public. especially as soon as he did. right away i felt like there was more to this story. if dave already had his money or knew he was getting it then this would make sense. dave collects from ken and shrink tells him we want to make this as puiblic and as nasty as we can. lets make dman sure he pays it right away or knock the piss out of pat on these forums. any thing else doesnt fit. you got a guy who is talking to you still and it only a few days old? noone wins if it comes out publicly

the othr part of it that fits in is that dave never does ask for the boys name or address. as an agent even if i think the guy who owes me is lying through his teeth i take whatever personal information i can down. if he says peter pan robbed me but gives me a number and addy i take it, i can alwasy come back and go after pat. in this case dave doesnt even seem interested even though pat says the rest have called and are on payument plans already. at least call and catch him in a lie, do something other than posting publci about it. it almost seem,s as though dave does not want his money,maybe he already has it. i have no idea of pat and dave buit i can say shrink and pat are in a very nasty pissing war.

i do not agree with you pat, yuo should have borrowed the money and made the person pay you back. if though the agents are getting paid now as you say then this does look suspricsous about dave. my guess is he is hel;ping ken bury you in the forums ad has alrwady got the money. if he collects anything it will go to ken perobably but he is paid. i wish you borrowed it but i have to say you made good strides in it rather than leaving every body hanging. get off the forums and mind your own fuking business, what is the gain? this is just my opinoon

Sep 20, 2004
He as a blown #1 pick...Shrink blew it with his hiring of McIrish...While on paper the selection seemed to make sense, what Ken must not have realized was he was hiring a fvcking dictator...I know most of the other 'players' didn`t feel it was a good move and before long it was playing out nightly....The guy was running off poster`s right and left, some of which it appeared to be ran off for only a reason Pat seemed to have...Jake T., BFL, to name a couple....

But the thing that got me the most was the way he tried to lead...It was very obvious he had no previous leadership skills, he couldn`t handle any criticism, and he seemed to only be around in the middle of the night (when the rest of us were sleeping)

I will safely say half the boardroom couldn`t stand him and knew he was killing the site, but played along until he finally left...thankfully after the McIrish Tornado blew thru the town of Rx central (nearly destroying it), the good people came back!
Sep 21, 2004
I agree. Leaders sell $100 paper flyers and wish cancer on other posters. Quit trying so hard to impress your master Jman, we know how thankful you are for the money.

By the way there may be a new book opening, maybe they will pay you to market it. How did Pino ever say no to you?

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Where is "Celebrity Deathmatch" when you really need/want it? Imagine these 2 going at it? Would be a hell of a lot better than most heavyweight fights we get (and having seen these 2 - they are definitely heavyweights - McIrish's mullet and Shrink's wallet - alone push them into this range).

New member
Mar 20, 2002
TMFSS - Another PM ghost. I liked how two years ago you still wrote in the same manner but it was all lower case and you threw in some spelling errors. How many ghost you have Pat?

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